Mihajlo Pupin

19 Oct

Mihajlo Pupin


Mihailo Pupin was born on October 9th, 1854 at Idvor. For his inventions Pupin filed a total of 34 patents in the period between 1894 and 1934. Almost all the patents are from the field of telegraphy, telephony and radio. During his lifetime he received a large number of diplomas and medals in recognition of everything that he had invented.


One of the most visited exhibition „Pupin – od fizičke do duhovne realnosti“ will last until end of 2016.

Come and check out why this exhibition has more than 50000 visitors and more than 300 school groups. Find out why FBI investigated Pupin’s work, learn more about his patents and participation in NASA founding. Learn more about his relationships with SAD president Woodrow Wilson, Nikola Tesla, Albert Einstein…and more

Source: pupin.rs , danubeogradu.rs

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